Cutting Optimization Pro Keygen
Cutting Optimization Pro is a computer program used for obtaining cutting and nesting layouts for one (1D) and two (2D) dimensional pieces. The software also lets you to define and handle complex products, such as table, desk, cupboard, locker, book shelf. Cutting Optimization Pro can be used for cutting rectangular sheets made of glass, wood, woodworking, metal, furniture, or any other material used by industrial applications. Cutting Optimization Pro can also be used for cutting linear pieces such as bars, pipes, tubes, steel bars, metal profiles, extrusions, tubes, lineal wood boards, etc and other linear materials. Linear (1D) and rectangular (2D) optimization in the same program - you may use the program for both 2D and 1D optimization. Guillotine optimization - The cuttings are performed from one side to the other of the material. This feature is very useful for glass, wood.
Guillotine optimization in multiple stages - first stage only horizontal (or vertical) cuts are permitted. On the second stage the cuts are perpendicular on those in the first stage. Non-guillotine (nested) optimization - The cutting machine can follow the shape of the material. In this case you need to have a complex machine based on laser or flame blade. Any measurement metric. Any number of parts to optimize.
Any stock size. Adjustable cutting blade thickness. Maximal cut length.
Management of edge band for parts and trim of the stock. Fractional input (values can be entered as 100.5 or as 100 1/2).

Manual arrange after optimization. Parts can also be moved between sheets. Statistics related to the current cut / layout - export in Excel/Word tables. Priority to cut sheets. Export to DXF.
Cutting Optimization Pro
Management of extra components (screws, hinges, knobs etc) Adhesive labels. Optimizing long rolls. You may magnify a diagram for better visualization. Free Google Sketchup plugin for exporting the size of the pieces to the Demand table.
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