How To Install Mplayer Raspberry Pi

166 posts Jon, Do you mean ARMv8 rather than ARMv7 or did I get confused? I think the trunk version of GCCSDK does have fixes in for the SWP instruction so it should be able to build stuff that works on the PI3 now. I don’t know if MPlayer builds cleanly with the autobuilder currently at the moment though. Unfortunately my virtual machine died so I can’t try it and I couldn’t get at the Jenkins CI gccsdk website to see if it had built a version recently. If there are people who are willing to test these things, I could set the GCCSDK up again, but it would take a little while to set up and I haven’t got time to fix any build errors.

How can I build mplayer for my Pi 2 B running Jessie? I've tried installing the mplayer package, but it installs mplayer2, which seems to have been abandoned for a few years. As I've been having many issues with mplayer2 (described below), I'd like to install a fairly new version of mplayer (also to take advantage of its new flags and such). My current issue with mplayer2 can be seen running these steps:. sudo apt-get update/ sudo apt-get install mplayer.
mplayer -idle -slave -ao null -vo x11 -display=:0. The above command should still be running.
Install Mplayer On Raspberry Pi
In the stdin, type loadfile /path/to/a/video.mp4. Wait for the video to finish playing. Type loadfile /path/to/another/file.mp4. I get a continuous list of X11 errors. Mplayer2 closes the window after the first video is done playing, so when the second video is started, it gives me errors.

Raspberry Pi How To Install
I need to use mplayer in slave mode to add new videos, so I can't really work around it. (Even if I could work around it, mplayer2 still seems to randomly close the X11 window—presumably when the disk stalls/etc.—causing the same set of errors.) I feel like this is a bug that should be patched by now, so I really want to get an updated version of the software running. (This also isn't my first issue with mplayer2, so an upgrade may help with the issues I'm having.). By downloading the souce snapshot from the Depending on when you download the snapshot, you'll need to change the extracted snapshot directory cd mplayer-export-xxxx-xx-xx/ wget tar xf mplayer-export-snapshot.tar.bz2 cd mplayer-export-2016-10-02/./configure make sudo make install The make will take a little while to complete, but should finish with out any errors. This is tested on building and installing, but did not test your particular use cases.