A Textbook Of Geology By P K Mukherjee Pdf Files
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Contents. Education Mukherjee completed his with Honours from. He is an Associate Member of the, and a fellow of the.
Career Mukherjee has worked in various profiles including finance, accounts, costing, taxation, legal and management, at various organisations including and. He is presently the Managing director of, having taken up the position in 2006.
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Personal life He is married to Subhra Mukherjee and they have two sons. The elder, Tathagatha is currently pursuing his MBA in China Europe International Business School and the younger, Sarthak is pursuing his CA. Mukherjee has a special interest in classical music and soccer. He is also the President of the. Awards Mukherjee was adjudged one of India’s Best (CFOs) in the year 2005.
In November 2009, declared him most ‘Value’able CEO. In July 2010, conferred on him the “Sera Bengali” award in the business arena. Associations Mukherjee has been associated with various organisations in various capacities, including - Former Co-chairman of the Mining Committee Federation of the Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry.
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Managing Committee Member & Member of Mentoring Committee of Goa Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI). Chairperson of the Mineral Foundation of Goa. Executive Committee Member of the Goa Mineral Ore Exporters’ Association (GMOEA). Former President and Member of the Federation of Indian Mineral Industries (FIMI).