Cakewalk Dimension Pro 1.5 Keygen
Dimension Pro 1.5 and Free Expansions I recently purchased D-Pro 1.5 and Rapture and had some difficulty registering it, but I finally got it to work running it as an admin. Anyways, I downloaded the free expansions for D-Pro, but every time I try to install it, it says that my serial number is invalid. I tried running it as administrator, but to no avail.

I was able to install the expansions to Rapture with no problem, so I don't see what the issue is here unless it has something to do with the expansions not working with Dim-Pro 1.5 I did email tech support regarding this, but I'm not sure how good the support is, so I figured I'd post it here in case any one experienced something similar. I also did a search for this on the forum, but couldn't find anything specifically related to this issue. Thanks in advance. I too am having the exact same problem. I bought the Dimension Pro and Rapture bundle (And I am LOVING RAPTURE SO MUCH) - had to install Dimension Pro with 'Run as Administrator' for it to take my registration key but it is working fine. I had no problems installing the Rapture bundles but trying to install the Free expansion packs for Dimension Pro results in an invalid serial number!
Cakewalk Dimension Pro 1.5 Torrent
Does anyone have a solution for this yet? P.s I'm going to get my wife to call support tomorrow; she's averagely technical so I wish them luck! UPDATE: Hey guys, just wanted to let you know that the tech support contacted me with instructions on how to get the expansion packs to work.
Unfortunately, I have not been able to test it as I am at work. In the email, they gave me a (I think) personal link to the download, so I won't be posting that. Same problem here. The problem appears to be specific to starting with version 1.5(as opposed to upgrading from an earlier version). The link provided by Glyn, and bish0p2004's email both assume that the contents have been installed to the wrong location. Unfortunately, the setup routine is not seeing the serial number, so nothing is being installed at all. This is the breakdown point for all of us.
Once we get past the setup, it will be easy enough to move the files, if need be. Since this is starting to look like a fairly consistent problem, I hope Cakewalk will post a sulution soon. They've always come through before, so keep the faith.
Bah, where were you two weeks ago?!:P Thanks for the link. Well, I got a new download file from the Cakewalk tech support and was able to get the expansions working. I suggest you guys either try the method posted in nebulae's link, or contact the tech support as these sounds are great. The system is not perfect for me, as I use FL Studio and I can't hit the refresh button in Dim Pro (the stand alone version works fine) though, so I have to use the load bank option each time I want to select a new preset from the expansion (it's too bad D-Pro doesn't have the arrow selection in the browser like Rapture).it's just a bit of an inconvenience when trying to go through presets really fast.
ddots-l Locating Serial Number And Altering Dimension Pro Multisamples Folder. From: 'Phil Muir'. To: 'Dancing Dots E-mail List'. Date: Fri, 4 Apr 2008 11:44:01 +0100 Hi all!!
Sorry I didn't post this earlier on. I new it would take me a while to write this one up, smile! Using the following procedure will get you to the correct part of the registry where you can access your Dimension Pro Serial number, alter where Dimension Pro installs it's contents such as documentation etc and alter the location of Dimension Pro's sample content folder. Tip: if you have Sonar 7 installed or, other Cakewalk Softsynthes such as Dimension LE that need a lot of hard drive space for their content then, you can also move where your DimensionLE content is installed. You would just find the Dimension LE registry entry and use the same procedure. The Dimension LE registry entry is just above the Dimension Pro entry.
1: Go to the run dialog box and type the following and press the enter key: regedit 2: we need to navigate to the HKEYLOCALMACHINE registry entry. You will get there by pressing down arrow 3 times.
3: press the letter S 3 times until you hear Jaws say: 'Software.' 4: press the letter C until you hear Jaws say ' Cakewalk Music Software.' 5: press the letter D until you hear Jaws say 'Dimension Pro.' 6: press the tab key in order to get to the list view of the Dimension Pro registry entry. 7: press the end key to jump you to the bottom of the list. You will hear Jaws read: 'Serial number =CWDM-' and a lot of numbers. 8: to copy your dimension pro serial number, press the applications key and choose 'modify', from the menu.
This will bring up the Serial number in an edit field. 9: press the home key and use the key combination control plus shift end to select your Dimension Pro serial number. 10: use the keystroke Control plus C to copy it to the clipboard. Note: this branch of the registry is also where your dimension Pro Samples folder is kept. You can also alter where Dimension Pro, stores it's content.
This is handy if like me you run a multiboot. I now have various registry files, which, I have made up for each of the boots.
Using the following procedure will get you to the correct part of the registry where you can alter the location of Dimension Pro's sample content folder. 1: Go to the run dialog box and type the following and press the enter key: regedit 2: we need to navigate to the HKEYLOCALMACHINE registry entry. You will get there by pressing down arrow 3 times. 3: press the letter S 3 times until you hear Jaws say: 'Software.' 4: press the letter C until you hear Jaws say ' Cakewalk Music Software.' 5: press the letter D until you hear Jaws say 'Dimension Pro.'

6: press the tab key in order to get to the list view of the Dimension Pro registry entry. 7: arrow down until you hear Jaws say 'Multisamples Folder REGSZ' This will be followed by the current folder location. For example: Jaws may say something like this: 'Multisamples Folder REGSZ G: Dimension Pro Samples 8: to alter the location of your Dimension Pro Sample Content folder, press the applications key and choose 'modify', from the menu. This will bring up the folder location in an edit field where you can type in a new folder location.

Note: once you have altered this location in the registry, don't forget to move the Sample Content folder! Regards, Phil Muir P J Muir Productions Music And Audio Production URL: Band website:.
Follow-Ups:. From: Craig Spencer Other related posts:. » ddots-l Locating Serial Number And Altering Dimension Pro Multisamples Folder.